As a homeowner, the last thing you want to deal with is pests, particularly cockroaches. But it is better to find out that you have them so you can deal with them than to allow them to sneak around undetected. Cockroaches are not clean insects; they are attracted to unsanitary conditions and feed on things that are in a state of decay. In this article, our local pest control company will share everything you need to know about detecting cockroaches and what you can do about them—whether you see them or not.

Signs of roach activity
Most cockroaches stay hidden from view. They wait until there is no activity and lots of darkness to sneak out and get a bite to eat. For this reason, a house can have a significant roach problem with few or no obvious warning signs. If you’re concerned about a possible roach infestation, look for the following evidence of roach activity:
Cockroaches leave black excrement behind in the areas they explore. These droppings resemble coffee grounds or black pepper and are often in dark spaces and tight places. Finding black excrement does not necessarily mean you have an active roach infestation. We recommend cleaning up the suspected feces and checking back later. If more appear, you have an active cockroach infestation.
Cockroach nymphs shed their skins as they develop from babies to adults. They shed their skins several times. You may find these skins completely intact. They will look like cockroaches, but they are entirely hollow inside. Most of the time, however, you'll only see fragments. Cockroaches eat these shed skins.
Cockroaches lay an egg sac called an ootheca. These little egg sacs look like tiny brown purses. They have one ridged edge. They also look a bit like beans. Keep in mind that some species carry their egg sacs with them. German cockroaches do this.
Cockroaches feed on paper and cardboard. Inspect food items, wallpaper, and paper products in your storage areas. If you find holes, you may have a cockroach infestation. Remember that roaches are not the only pests that damage paper materials.
Cockroaches produce a pheromone scent that is often described as oily and musty. If you smell something a bit "off" while searching for roaches, that scent could be a warning sign.
If you uncover cockroach activity in your home, contact Anti-Pest for assistance. We'll help you eliminate all pest activity in your home.
Obvious signs of cockroaches
When cockroach ootheca breaks open and the eggs hatch, tiny nymphs may appear in your kitchen, pantry, or bathroom. Nymphs are more noticeable because they compete with the other nymphs for available food resources. Here are a few quick facts about cockroach nymphs:
- Newly hatched nymphs are tiny. Some species have nymphs small enough to crawl through an outlet's opening.
- Nymphs do not have wings.
- Nymphs move as quickly as adult cockroaches, even though they are much smaller.
- Nymphs may appear white after shedding their skins.
The cockroach nymphs' appearance in your kitchen indicates that you have an infestation.
Before we discuss prevention and control methods, let's examine the three most common types of cockroaches in Shreveport, Bossier City, and Northwest Louisiana.
The three most common types of roaches in Northwest Louisiana
We have several roach species in our Northwest Louisiana service area, but the three we find most often are American, Oriental, and German cockroaches.
- American Cockroaches - Periplaneta americana
American cockroaches are the largest roaches in our area. They grow to more than two inches in length. Often called Palmetto bugs, American roaches are attracted to damp habitats. Addressing moisture and humidity in your home may drive these insects outdoors. - Oriental Cockroaches - Blatta orientalis
Also called water bugs or black beetle cockroaches, Oriental cockroaches are usually shiny black but may appear very dark red or brown in coloration. Some do not have wings, and some have wings, but the wings do not hang past the end of the abdomen. They are considered one of the dirtiest cockroaches, perhaps because they frequent sewers and breed in rotting, organic material. - German Cockroaches - Blattella germanica
These small tan cockroaches are the worst structure-infesting pests in the world. If you have German roaches in your home, we do not recommend dealing with them alone. They are tolerant to dry conditions and do not require a filthy environment to reproduce offspring. It is also not possible to starve these roaches. They feed on hair, dead skin, dead insects, paper, fecal matter, and more.
These insights will help you with your pest control efforts. But there is one more factor to consider.
How to deter roaches from getting inside
You can remove some cockroaches all day, every day, and never get rid of them all. When considering what to do about roaches in your home, it is important to consider the exterior of your home.
- Remove organic material next to your foundation to reduce damp hiding places.
- Trim vegetation to reduce humidity.
- Use expanding foam and caulking material to seal gaps.
- Replace weatherstripping, door sweeps, and screens.
Remember that you're never alone when it comes to keeping pests out. Anti-Pest offers year-round home pest control services that eliminate existing cockroach infestations and prevent new roach activity from developing by providing routine pest control services. Our Pest Plan also exterminates ants, spiders, mice, rats, and other house-infesting pests. Check our plan below or contact us to learn more!

Pests covered under Anti-Pest’s Pest Plan: Argentine ants, carpenter ants, Pharaoh ants, rover ants, fire ants, German cockroaches, American cockroaches, Oriental cockroaches, smokey brown roaches, ground beetles, centipedes, millipedes, scorpions, non-venomous spiders, earwigs, sow bugs, pill bugs, crickets, earwigs, mice, red wasps, Norway rats, and roof rats.
Pest Plan
General Pest Control
For Northwest Louisiana homeowners looking for year-round pest control for common house-infesting pests, our Pest Plan is a great option! Service includes an initial inspection and service to take care of the existing pest problem and then ongoing services that keep insects and rodents away!
- Ongoing pest protection
- Service every other month
- Covers 20+ common pests
- Exterior pest treatments
- Interior pest treatments, if necessary
- Fire ant control within 50ft of the structure
- Spider web removal
Starting at $40/mo
*Initial Service starts at $120. After Initial Service, subscriptions start at $40/month. Other terms and conditions may apply.

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