Common types of wildlife problems
Here in Louisiana, property owners often encounter wildlife in their yards or, worse, inside their homes. Since these animals can cause a lot of problems, it's helpful to know what they look like. Here are a few of the more common wildlife problems in our region.







When are wildlife most active?
Are wildlife dangerous?
Yes. There are many ways animals can present a threat to humans. Here are a few general facts to consider:
- Animals can bite, and you may contract a disease from an animal when it bites you. Rabies is a serious concern, particularly if you are bitten by a raccoon, skunk, or bat.
- Snakes have venom and the venom of some snakes is potent enough to send you to the hospital.
- Many animals get into trash receptacles and pick up harmful bacteria which can cause stomach illness when it is deposited on the surfaces they crawl over.
- Animals carry ticks and fleas which are known to spread many diseases.
- Animal waste is a potential source of disease.
It is always best to take steps to deter wildlife traffic in your yard and prevent animals from finding harborage underneath structures or inside.
Do wildlife cause damage?
Yes, wild animals have the potential to cause minor to more extensive damage when they infest structures. Here are a few ways how they accomplish this:
- Structural damage caused by chewing and scratching.
- Fire hazards caused by damage to electrical wiring.
- Damage to belongings caused by urine, feces, nesting habits, and chewing.
What attracts wildlife to my property?
There are a few factors that can make one property more appealing to an animal than another. It is important to understand these factors if you hope to keep wildlife away.
- Garbage cans.
- Pet food left outside.
- Bird feeders.
- Gardens.
- Compost piles.
- Fruit trees.
- Ponds, bird baths, and other water features.
- Leaky faucets and plumbing issues.
- Brush piles
- Trees & shrubs that provide cover.
- Rock piles, woodpiles, and retaining walls.
Take a few minutes and inspect your yard for these and other attractants.
Can I take care of a wildlife problem on my own?
No. Animals can be persistent, and it can be challenging to keep them away from your property without proper pest management. We recommend reaching out for professional assistance.
How do I get rid of wildlife?
If you've discovered a wild animal on your property or even inside your structure, contact Anti-Pest for professional wildlife control. Serving Bossier, Caddo, and DeSoto parishes, our local pest control company offers solutions for armadillos, bats, raccoons, skunks, and other nuisance and potentially harmful wildlife. Our service begins with a professional inspection, followed by the development of a customized plan that may include humane trapping and relocation, installation of physical deterrents, and more. Reach out today for assistance!

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